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All Posts by Codi Coday

5 Tips for When Coming Out As Bisexual Goes Badly

If you are having a crisis and need to talk to someone right now check out these resources. The first person I came out to as bisexual, my best friend at the time, said something along the lines of “ew gross” and never spoke to me again. It absolutely crushed 18

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21 Tips for Building a Bisexual Community

If you aren’t sure whether there is already a bisexual group in your area check here. Bisexual support and social groups are of utmost importance for bisexuals. Bisexuals are often unwelcome in the straight and gay world; we are seen as too gay to be straight and too straight to be

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The Missing B In LGBT Celebrations

In June 2015, I attended my first Gay Pride, Pridefest in Denver. The purpose of Pride is to support LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transexual) issues. Pride is also an unapologetic celebration of loving who you are. However, by the end of the weekend Pride felt like a celebration of

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Why Bi+ Visibility Day Is Important

(Note: In this article bisexual is used as an umbrella term that includes pansexuals and all other polysexuals too.) Each year, bisexual visibility is celebrated on bisexual visibility day, September 23rd. This leads to the question: Why do we need a visibility day? Visibility is important for bisexuals to combat

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